Scheduled Maternity Leave

With the weather warming up and the world going green we enter the busy season for us photographers. As Im sure you know by now we are expecting our little one in July and I will be taking maternity leave for a month and a bit starting June 17 so please get your bookings in as sessions are becoming limited.

27 weeks

27 weeks

31 Weeks

31 weeks


32 Weeks

expectant mom

33 Weeks

mother and daughtertitle girl kissing pregnant bellyMom and her girlsexpectant mom and her daughters

Seth and Sarah

Its finally warm enough to shoot outside again, and I can’t enthuse enough about it! I love my studio dearly, but there is something truly special about the colour and light out in nature that restores my soul.

Congratulations to Seth and our very own beautiful Sarah!

love in texaspulling tongues gigglessmiling couple on a quiltsave the datekisses on a quiltcouple on a blue chair

The C Family

I can’t tell you how much I love these ladies, they are more like my family than I can put into words. They have supported us through so many crisis this year, both physical and mental and shown love and compassion without judgment. I was thrilled when they came up to visit us for the weekend and had no clue they had been plotting with my dear husband to throw me a huge surprise baby shower! I cried… Ive seldom in my life met anyone who gives so selflessly and lovingly and I feel truly blessed to have them in my life.

family on grey backdropmom and daughterteen portraitgirl on rusted truckhugs with momfamily on rusted truckfamily picnic