Sweet Little Miss R – 9 Weeks

“A Daughter: The companion, the friend, and the confidant of her mother, and the object of a pleasure something like the love between the angels to her father.” Author: Richard Steele, 1710 It never ceases to amaze me how very different one baby is to another, their personalities are often bigger than they are! Each...

The F Twins – 1 month

“Some women are dripping with diamonds, some women are dripping with pearls, look at me, lucky me, I’m dripping with little girls.” From the musical “Little Orphan Annie” Good things come in two’s apparently, two new lenses, two new headbands and now two tiny twin girls! I have the best job in the world! I...

The G Twins – 1 month

“There is no bigger joy then being the mother of so many boys!” Author: Suzy Sweet I was totally overwhelmed by these little guys. The first set of twin babies I’ve ever worked with and I was sooo nervous! Needless to say these two little angels went easy on me, such tiny gentlemen!

Tiny Miss H – 7 Days

“Little girls are precious gifts like birds and brooks and streams…their hair is tied up with ribbons and bows…their hearts are tied up with dreams.” Author: Unknown This sweet little scrap of humanity was the first baby I’ve worked with who was small enough for the nest I’ve been itching to try! Miss H was...

Little Mr K – 3 Days

“In the sheltered simplicity of the first days after a baby is born, one sees again the magical closed circle, the miraculous sense of two people existing only for each other.” Author: Anne Morrow Lindbergh This has been my youngest client to date, his wonderful parents brought him to me straight from the hospital –...