D and S Engaged

My first ever engagement session and for another photographer no less – I was panicked to say the least! Thankfully Dyllan and Sasha were such fun to work with I got through it without hitting a dead faint. And of course Christy was there to make sure I didn’t trip over my own feet…  

Colorado Springs

Almost two years in the USA now, and Ive traveled 7 states – but I think Ive fallen in love with Colorado… It reminds me of the best parts of home.. Its Hout Bay, Johannesburg and the Drakensburg all wrapped up in one beautiful package. It was a balm to my soul and the solution...

The M Children

I wont be taking sessions for a week or two while my camera is in for repair, but I have tons of editing to catch up on – like these two cuties! There is something about sumer nights, the chirp of crickets, the golden light and the smiles of children… All magical!